Al Jamia Al Haneefiyya Al Rabbaniyya
Al -Jamia Al- Hanifiyya Al- Rabbaniyya is a prestigious institution founded by the revered Sheikh Muhammed Abdulla Baba Hidayathullah, with the sole aim of carrying forward the teachings of the prophet Muhammed ﷺ to enable people to understand and embrace Islam, in the true sense.
كُونُوا رَبَّانِيِّينَ بِمَا كُنتُمْ تُعَلِّمُونَ الْكِتَابَ وَبِمَا كُنتُمْ تَدْرُسُونَ
(آل عمران٧٩ )
Be worshippers of the Lord because of your teaching the Book and your readings (3:79)

Al Jamia Al Haneefiyya Alrabbaniyya
Ashaikh Muhammed Abdullah Baba Hidayathullah (R)
He Born at Vennakkode, near R.E.C, in Kozhikode district. After his primary education from native villages, he acquired religious knowledges through extreme hard work. He fell in love with loneliness at his early age and entered sacred spiritual routes along with his studies.

Al Jamia Al Haneefiyya Al Rabbaniyya
Our Core Values
Our students have excellence in both morality and knowledge. Indeed, they are taught spiritual and practical perspectives of Islam.
Our Academic program is based on Islamic principles along with modern material knowledges. Islamic traditional knowledge is also crucial part of it.
Our Vision is to develop a unique generation who are equipped with spiritual awareness and Islamic knowledge.
As a part of our notable works, Islamic generation has begun to comprehend real essence of Islam, especially, it's spiritual perspectives.
Al Jamia conducts different spiritual programs monthly of several Sufi denominations.
First Thursday of Every Arabic Month
Naqshabandi Halqa
Second Thursday of Every Arabic Month
Asmaul Husna, Qadiri, Rifae, Chisthi Halqa etc.
Third and Fourth Thursday of Every Arabic Month
Shaduli Halqa
Second Sunday of Every Arabic Month
Why Al Jamia?

The college mainly focuses on Islamic teachings which includes traditional Kitabs and modern Kitabs as well.

Memorization of holy Quran and school education are the core parts of the Muhammediyya Hifzul Quran College syllabus.

to obliterate the ignorance of women folk through women empowerment and moral and secular awareness programs.

The students develop a strong sense of belonging to the Muslim Ummah. They not only preserve their rich Islamic heritage, but also contribute towards the development and progress of the Muslim Ummah in general.

Islamic studies gives them the knowledge and skills they're seeking. “Students develop the ability to express the knowledge they have gained. They also develop their communication, analytical and writing skills, which is a very important part of their growth.

Albirr Islamic Pre School was established with the main vision to mould and transform lives according to Islamic values enhanced through child friendly academic programs.

Islamic teaching along with modern education is the educational methodology followed in the college.

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